Allied Data Corporation is a third party debt collection agency, they are based in Houston, Texas and they currently employ approximately 120 debt collection agents.
The Allied Data Corporation agency is employed by companies and credit lenders to collect on debts that have not been paid back by the unlucky consumers.
Here are some of the different kinds of accounts they will collect on:(1) Commercial loan debts; (2) delinquent bank loans; (3) charged off retail accounts; (4)unpaid charged off insurance accounts; and last and definitely worst(5) medical bill debts.
If you currently have, or have had any debts or accounts with Allied Data Corporation Collection Agency, then it is very likely that they are listing negative accounts on all of your credit reports.
Having negative credit tagged to your reports like collection accounts or charge offs will have a detrimental impact on your credit score and may block your ability to obtaina line of credit for financing a home or a new car, and any new credit lines in general.
If you take the appropriate action you can delete an Allied Data Corp. collection item from all of your credit report listings, which will increase your credit score.
One method of going about this is to dispute the entries directly with the 3 main credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, you can also try to negotiate with Allied Data Corporation, or a both of them to reach an agreement to remove the bad credit.
On the flip side, you will probably be better off hiring a professional credit repair law firm such as the Lexington Law Firm, to remove negative your negative credit report entries. Here is my story which lists the actions I took to fix up my credit and I’m very satisfied with the ending results!