Arrow Financial Services is a part of a bigger group called as Asset Performance Group, which belongs to the Sallie- Mae family of companies. Arrow Financial Services are located in Niles, Illinois. This company manages over 16 billion in debt collection, and has diversified into many types of debt collections like student loans, automotive loans, credit card payments, in addition to utility, telecommunication and retail bills.
Being a debt management company, Arrow Financial Services functions as a third party agency. So whatever bills or payments that you may owe to a credit card company or a telecommunications company or a bank are taken over by Arrow Financial Services at a price. Now you do not owe any more money to your previous creditors.
But wait before you rejoice. You do not owe money to your previous creditors, which means that all your debts now rest with Arrow Financial Services. Now this is certainly not a reason to rejoice, because third party debt
collection companies will use all kinds of tactics to make you pay up the outstanding debt amount. What is more terrible for you is that you will have to shell out big amounts of money in addition to the outstanding amount by way of fines.
The actual harm inflicted by such debt collection agencies is not in the money squeezed out from you. It is your credit score that receives the maximum brunt due to the negative collection accounts that such agencies tag on to your credit reports. Needless to say, both your ego and your credibility bite the dust after such negative marking rampages by the debt collection agencies.