Central Credit Recovery Inc is an affiliate-office for the province of Saskatchewan for Trans Union of Canada, Inc. Established in 1994, this company boasts of a debt recovery rate between 45 and 60 % which is well above the national average. That is great news for the company and its owner, but nothing more than cause for concern for the debtors who have to deal with them.
There are many laws in place to restrain the debt collection agencies from using underhand methods for debt collection. But isn’t it obvious that no debtor would pay up at short notice, unless they are threatened and forced into doing it? So to make a long story short, debt collection agencies will employ all the rules in their little Black book, to extract the outstanding money from the debtors.
I speak from experience. A few years back I did run into trouble with one of these debt collection agencies like Central Credit Recovery Inc. I was overcome by a medical crisis and could not pay up the debts in time. Without wasting much time, my debt was charged off to a debt collection agency. Maybe it was my foul luck that ensured that I had to deal with the nation’s most notorious debt collection agency, which was well known for its scare tactics and goons who masqueraded as debt collection executives.
This debt collection agency made it sure that I faced hell on Earth. Abuses, threats to come up to my doorstep, calling my family and friends and calling me at least 5 times a day were some of their debt collection methods. To add salt to injury, they also tagged negative collection reports with all the 3credt bureaus. What ensued was total mayhem. My credit scores plummeted to base levels at 588, and blocked all chances of getting a line of credit in future. I also had a civil judgment and 3 charge offs to deal with in addition.
I cannot emphasize the importance of seeking professional help in a situation like this. I was actually too caught up with these debt collection goons and their threats to think straight, losing valuable time and peace of mind in the process. But when my cousin mentioned about Lexington Law, he did have all my attention.
Lexington Law is a credit repair firm located in Salt lake City, UT. They have been helping numerous debtors with their professional expertise. More than half a million customers have already benefited from the credit repair techniques used by the Lexington Law Firm.